Quest for Next Quest for Next
環境対応素材で、カーボンニュートラルの実現へ 環境対応素材で、カーボンニュートラルの実現へ
先端技術の提供で安心・快適なモビリティ社会に貢献 先端技術の提供で安心・快適なモビリティ社会に貢献
食の安全と再生可能エネルギーの推進で、地球の未来を考える 食の安全と再生可能エネルギーの推進で、地球の未来を考える
人々の生活の質(QOL)向上と環境対応型社会の実現へ 人々の生活の質(QOL)向上と環境対応型社会の実現へ
Quest for Next/

Fine chemicals

Supply sustainable materials
to help achieve carbon neutrality

Industrial products

Offer leading-edge technologies to enable
safe and comfortable mobility experiences


Promote food safety and renewable-energy solutions
to keep the earth a comfortable place to live

Life science

Promote health and better quality of life and
help achieve an environmentally responsible society


Quest for Next
Quest for Next

Quest for Next/

At Sanyo Trading, we don’t just sell merchandise.
We only do business in which we can add value and make a difference.
Instead of being a box mover,
providing materials, products, and solutions most relevant to your enterprise needs is our commitment.

Trust is what it takes to succeed in business.
That’s why we listen to you
and deliver the best solutions for the success of your business
flexibly and timely

—and in the belief that, by doing so,
we’re bringing a brighter future to people around the world

Sanyo Trading

Sanyo Trading

Sanyo Trading

Sanyo Trading

Our Business



Information on Sanyo Trading's financial results, performance highlights, and stock.